2022 NAISA Annual Business Meeting (virtual)

NAISA Council, in partnership with the Nominations Committee, the NAIS Journal, and the Abiayala Working Group, held the annual business meeting on Monday, June 13, 2022, at 2 pm Pacific Time, which was 11 pm on June 13 in Sápmi (northern Norway), and 9 am on June 14 in Aotearoa (New Zealand) and 7 am on June 14 in Australia. We announced the incoming Council members, the financial state of the association, winners of the annual publication prizes, and described outcomes of the 2022 regional events. If you missed the meeting, you can view the recording by clicking on the image above. Participants in the business meeting included 2021-2022 NAISA executive officers Brendan Hokowhitu, President; Susan Hill, Past President; Aileen Moreton-Robinson, President Elect; Marisa Duarte, Secretary; and Kevin Bruyneel, Treasurer; 2021-2022 NAISA Council members Luis Cárcamo-Huechante, Leonie Pihama, Astri Dankertsen, Kiara Vigil, Karyn Recollet, and Valarie Bluebird Jernigan; NAIS journal co-editors K. Tsianina Lomawaima and Kelly McDonough; and 2021-2022 Abiayala Working Group coordinators Cueponcaxochitl Moreno Sandoval and Marcelo Garza Montalvo.