Bliss Symposium Awards

The property

Garden and Landscape Studies at Dumbarton Oaks is delighted to announce an award to facilitate symposium attendance for students.


Bliss Symposium Awards

May 9–10, 2025

Travel reimbursement for graduate and advanced undergraduates to attend the symposium The Land has More to Tell Us. How Can We Best Listen?    


This is a wonderful opportunity for students to attend and contribute to the symposium. Awardees will assist with light conference logistics, such as the facilitation of discussion. Immediately following the symposium, we ask each student  to write and submit a short feature on a defined topic related to the scholarship presented. Successful applicants will receive reimbursement up to $600 (up to $1,200 for students traveling from abroad) for the cost of air or train travel to Washington D.C., local accommodation, and other approved expenses related to symposium attendance. For more information, including the online application, visit the Bliss Symposium Award page. The deadline for applying is March 15, 2025.

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The NAISA logo was designed by Jonathan Thunder, a Red Lake Ojibwe painter and digital artist from Minnesota. NAISA members inspired by canoe traditions among their own people sent examples to Thunder, who designed the logo with advice from the NAISA Council. The color scheme was chosen to signify those Indigenous peoples who are more land-based and do not have canoe traditions.