Post Jobs or Publication Opportunities

NAISA members and non-members are welcome to post calls for jobs or other opportunities (such as Fellowships) by emailing the NAISA Administrative Assistant at We will resume allowing direct posts to the website for NAISA members once the site is re-developed. Your posting will be visible on the “Opportunities” main page. If you have any questions, please email


PLEASE NOTE: You must be a NAISA Individual member to post a job ad or other opportunity without charge. Members at the Individual tier can post multiple job and/or opportunity postings during the membership year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31) without charge. Institutional members and non-members can place job or opportunity postings on the NAISA website for $300 for an unlimited number of days. If you are an Institutional member and require an invoice for your membership and/or for a job or opportunity posting, please contact the NAISA Treasurer at


You can learn more about memberships and member privileges by clicking on our Membership page. The University of Minnesota Press, which prints NAISA’s official publication, the NAIS journal, maintains the membership site. Once paid, you will receive a receipt by email.