On occasion, the Council of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association responds to requests from our members to raise awareness of issues that particularly concern the membership of the association. NAISA Council advocacy most often takes the form of official statements, which we post on our website, to the membership, and through social media. Other forms of advocacy include letters to leadership, such as letters to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, ambassadors, or other such individuals and organizations.
Current NAISA members who would like to request a statement or other form of advocacy from NAISA Council should send an email to contact.naisa@gmail.com including the description of the issue; links with more information; a description of how NAISA members are addressing the issue; type of documents requested, i.e. statement or letters and a draft statement or letters, as needed; in the case of letters, specific names and email addresses of recipients; and a timeline for response.
NAISA Council carefully considers member requests for statements. While Council advocates for many issues, it is not possible or appropriate for Council to address every issue affecting Indigenous Peoples. Council thus encourages NAISA members to rely on additional means of spreading awareness of critical issues, including the NAISA Facebook page and collective organizing with other association members.