Photo from UArctic Education – Nord University
Sustaining Indigenous Liveliness
NAISA Sámi & Nord University
The in-person gathering was held in Petter Dass Auditorium (A14) at Nord University in Bodø/Bådåddjo, Norge (Norway)
June 8 (hybrid), June 10 (virtual)
Dr. Astri Dankertsen, Nord University
SESSIONS AT A GLANCE (times local to Bodø)
June 8 (in-person and online)
Click the links for session recordings
- 9.00 Welcome
- 9.15 Dorthe Helen Næss Eide, PhD, Nord University: Facilitating Value Co-creation and Sustainability through Experience Design: A Case Study of Indigenous (Sámi) Experiences Lecture 34:40 (YouTube)
- 9.45 NAISA member May-Britt Öhman, PhD, Uppsala University of Uppsala, Sweden: Methods Within and Results from the Project “Pandemic in the (sub)Arctic North” – A Supra- and Cross-disciplinary Data Collection in Sámi Territories, Swedish Side Lecture 28:05 (YouTube)
- 10.15-10.30 Break
- 10.30 Former NAISA president Brenda J. Child, PhD, University of Minnesota, and Christine Baeumler, MFA, University of Minnesota: Indigenous Art and Climate Change: Exhibition Planning Lecture 29:26 (YouTube)
- 11.00 NAISA Council member Astri Dankertsen, PhD, Nord University: Creating a home: Decolonization in everyday activities Lecture 29:55 (YouTube)
- 11.30 Olof Stjernström, PhD, Nord University; Astri Dankertsen, PhD, Nord University; Tanja Ellingsen, PhD, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; and Håkan T. Sandersen, PhD, Nord University: Complexity and Interdependence in Local Mineral Extraction Planning: The Nasa Mountain Quartz Case in Northern Norway
- 12.00 Lunch
- 13.00 Liz-Marie Nilsen: Pandemic in the (sub)Arctic North: Sámi Duojárat and the Sámi Creative and Cultural Sector During the Covid19 Pandemic – Experiences, Perspectives, and Strategies Lecture 35:23 (YouTube)
- 13.30 Hampus Andersson: When the Climate Apocalypse Comes I’ll Make It: 16 year old Hampus Andersson’s Survival Month Living off the Lands and Waters in the Forests of Norrbotten, Sweden Film 18:55 (Youtube)
- 14.15 Henrik Andersson: Winds of Destruction – Hällberget, Överkalix – Dutch Pension Fund Owned Vasavind Ungreen Wind Power Threatening Indigenous Sámi Futures Film 23:55 (Youtube)
- 15.00 Break
- 15.15 Tina Eriksson and Michael Eriksson, Gällivare Forest Sámi Village – Flakaberg Group: Ungreen Windpower: Sámi Indigenous and Scientific Perspectives on Fossil Dependent and Environmentally Destructive Designs Film 19:05 (Youtube)
June 10 (online/Zoom)
- 09.15 Carol Mershon, PhD, University of Virginia: Political Elites and the Political Inclusion of Marginalized Peoples: The Limits of Inclusion Lecture 32:03 (YouTube)
- 09.45 Áila O’Loughlin, PhD, University of Minnesota: Philosophy as a discipline and Sámi Philosophy as a Practice Lecture 29:29 (YouTube)
- Break
- 10.30 Åsa Össbo, PhD, Umeå University: ‘The Land of the Future’ and Swedish Settler Colonialism Revisited: Green Transition Industrialization in Sápmi Lecture 38:04 (YouTube)
- 11.00 Kristina Sehlin MacNeil, PhD, Umeå University: Words are Glitter, Actions are Gold: Sámi Voices on Swedish Energy Companies’ Communication and Actions
- 11.30 Lunch
- 12.30 Laura Junka-Aikio, PhD, Arctic University of Norway (UiT): Toxic Speech, Political Self-Indigenization, and the Ethics and Politics of Critique: Notes from Finland Lecture 37:39 (YouTube)
- 13.00 Kristin A Ø Fløtten, Nord University, and Ellinor Myrvang, Nord University: Parents, Children and Indigenous Culture: Implementation of Indigenous Knowledge in Teacher Programs Lecture 40:20 (YouTube)