Lanyu Regional Gathering (Pongso no Tao, Taiwan)

主題 / TITLE

人之島上的環境正義 :生存與永續

Environmental Justice of Pongso no Tao: Survivance and Sustainability



Center for International Indigenous Affairs, College of Indigenous Studies, National Dong Hwa University (NDHU), Taiwan

人之島 – 蘭嶼, 台灣

Orchid Island / Lanyu (Pongso no Tao) Taiwan

日期 / DATES

Two days active-workshop on Sunday, April 24, and Monday, April 25 (local time)


Bavaragh Dagalomai謝若蘭教授(西拉雅族), Email信箱:

Dana E. Powell教授  (美國威爾斯-愛爾蘭墾殖者族裔), Email信箱:

Prof. Jolan Hsieh/Bavaragh Dagalomai (Taiwanese Siraya Nation),,

Prof. Dana E. Powell (US settler of Welsh-Irish heritage), /

活動網址 / WEBSITE

活動概述 / SUMMARY

由國立東華大學原住民族國際事務中心所規劃於蘭嶼舉行的兩天一夜小型行動工作坊,將預計邀請大約20 名原住民族專家學者與實務工作者實體參與。除了實體參與外,各主題的工作坊討論將在參與者許可下,採用影像紀錄的方式,會議後放在國際中心公開媒體平台播出,以利累積交流能量。

此次的行動工作坊除了原住民族國際事務中心的規劃之外,合作的原住民族民間單位包含蘭恩文教基金會(蘭嶼在地組織)、島人藝術空間(花蓮地方組織)、台灣原夢瑪巴琉協會(全國性組織)共同協力合作。預計邀請的 參與者包括人之島(蘭嶼)以及台灣/南島原住民族專家學者與組織工作者,以及相關研究領域的原住民族研究學者、研究生、夥伴,包括(但不限)紐西蘭毛利人和美國 Diné (納瓦霍)族參與者,透過經驗分享與對話,促進對環境正義議題的理解,尤其焦聚在強調人之島上的達悟族人的知識體系對核廢議題與生態旅遊的衝擊相關思考,並以此作為與美國西南部納瓦霍族進行比較關鍵,也讓 Diné行動研究人員和輻射污染倖存者透過線上參與本次的行動工作坊。參與者將透過本工作坊進行解殖的研究論述對話討論,並透過多元協作實踐方法,進行台灣/南島原住民族政治生態學和環境正義的解殖與實踐。

This regional, in-person workshop of approximately 20 participants will take place over two days on Orchid Island / Lanyu (Ponso no Tao) off Taiwan’s southeastern coast. The panel discussions will be video-recorded (pending participants’ permission), for later broadcast. The gathering will be led by the Center for International Indigenous Affairs at NDHU, in Hualien, Taiwan, in collaboration with the LanEn Cultural and Educational Foundation (Orchid Island-based) as well as Islander Art Force (Hualien based) and  Mapaliw Taiwan (national based) Participants will include Indigenous Tao local activists and other Austronesian scholars and activists from Taiwan, as well as affiliated ally scholars and graduate students of Indigenous Studies, including (but not limited) Māori and Diné participants, to share experiences and advance a place-based, comparative understanding of a wide range of environmental justice (EJ). Our workshop will emphasize Tao knowledge of the impacts of nuclearism and eco-tourism, in particular, as a critical point of comparison with the Navajo Nation in the U.S. Southwest. The comparative and collaborative approach situates Indigenous political ecology and Indigenous EJ within an Austronesian decolonial framework while also (virtually) engaging Diné action researchers and survivors of radiation contamination.